Click the link below to set up or reset your single sign-on password:

Enter your username (first.last) and your current password in the appropriate fields and click Login.  This will bring you to the Change Password tab.

Enter your current password in the “Old Password” field then enter your new password in the remaining two fields. Please note that passwords must meet the following criteria:

  • Cannot contain your first or last name
  • Cannot be one of your last three passwords used
  • Must be at least eight characters long
  • Must have three of the four following conditions:
    • Upper case letter
    • Lower case letter
    • Number
    • Special character

You will get a successful status message if the password requirements are met and your password has been updated. Once you have updated your password, please log out of your device and log back in to a windows device using the new password.

You will also need to update the wireless settings for any personal devices that you’ve connected to our wireless network.

If you have forgotten your password and have previously used this portal, you may reset it using the forgot password link. If you have not yet used this portal to change a password and have forgotten your password, you will need to enter a tech ticket to reset your password. Please contact the Technology Department for further assistance.