Elementary Attendance/Truancy Policy

Our attendance policy is based upon the firm belief that students are most successful when they are present in class and in school:

In accordance with Illinois compulsory attendance requirements, it is the policy of CCUSD 301 that students shall attend school on a regular basis. We believe that daily attendance, timeliness to class, and preparedness and participation in class will increase the student’s probability for successful performance and fosters the development of self-discipline and responsibility. It is the intention of the instructor of each course to not only teach the subject matter, but also to encourage the positive attribute of regular attendance, punctuality, and participation.

Attendance Procedures

Parents/Guardians and students should be aware of and follow these procedures:

When a student is absent from school the student’s parent/guardian is requested to contact the school between 7:45am-9:00am to inform the attendance secretary of the student’s absence.

Leaving School Early

Students who need to leave school early for medical purposes (healthcare provider or dental appointments) must bring a note to the Attendance Office before leaving school. The note should include: (1) the requested dismissal time, (2) the reason the student needs to leave early, and (3) a parent signature. Parents are encouraged to communicate any dismissal changes no later than 2:30pm.

If a student is ill during the day, the student must check out in the Nurse’s Office before leaving the building. Students should not arrange for parents/guardians to pick them up without first having been seen by the Nurse. When the Nurse is not in the building, a student who is ill should report to the Main Office.

Absences (Board Policy 7:70)

Central School District recognizes three (3) categories of absences:

  • Excused absences
  • Unexcused absences
  • Truant absences (after the 9th unexcused absence)

Excused Absence: An excused absence is recognized as:

  • A student’s personal illness,
  • A death in the immediate family,
  • A family emergency,
  • Observance of a religious holiday,
  • Medical visits,
  • Vacations up to 5 school days,
  • Other circumstances that cause reasonable concern to the parent/guardian for the student’s safety or health,
  • Other situations beyond the control of the student (such as court appearances),
  • Other reasons approved by the Superintendent or designee.

A healthcare provider’s note may be required to excuse a student and/or for returning to school after the third consecutive day of being reported ill. If medical documentation is not provided, the absence may be marked “unexcused.” Students that have 9 or more days of absences due to being sick may be required to provide a doctor’s note to excuse the absences.

A healthcare provider’s note may be required to excuse a student and/or for returning to school after the third consecutive day of being reported ill. If medical documentation is not provided, the absence may be marked “unexcused.” Students who have 9 or more days of absences due to being sick may be required to provide a healthcare provider’s note to excuse the absences.

Unexcused Absence: An unexcused absence is defined as an absence from school for a reason other than those listed above as an Excused Absence and/or an absence not authorized by the student’s parent/guardian or the Superintendent or designee. When a student’s absence is unexcused, the parent/guardian may recognize the absence as being valid or legitimate; however, the school does not. The following are unexcused absences (even with parent/guardian consent):

  • Missing the bus
  • Vacations that are 6+ school days
  • Needed at home
  • Other avoidable absences

Truant Absences: Truancy is defined as absence without valid cause for one or more periods of the student’s school day. Parents/guardians may be notified following 3, 5, and 9 days of absence or tardiness within a school year, and a school intervention may be initiated. After the 9th school day (5% of regular attendance days) on which a student is absent without valid cause, he/she is deemed to be truant under Illinois law. Interventions to address truancy may include attendance letters, parent-teacher/administrator conferences, student counseling, and/or involvement of the Kane County Truancy officers and/or local law enforcement. No punitive action, including out-of-school suspensions, expulsions, or court action will be taken against a chronically truant student unless available support services and other school resources have been provided to the student, or offered to the student and refused. Any person who has custody or control of a child subject to compulsory attendance who knowingly or willfully permits the child to persist in truancy, if convicted, is guilty of a Class C Misdemeanor and may be subject to up to 30 days imprisonment and/or fine up to $1,500.

Vacation Absences: Family travel during the school year does interrupt a student’s regular progress; however, we recognize the educational value of these trips.  Therefore, five (5) vacation days per school year will be allowed as excused.  Any days after five (5) school days will be unexcused. Early notice of travel will help school personnel to accommodate parents and students during that period.  It will be the student’s responsibility to obtain all missing work from their teachers during their absence. Some assignments may not be available until the student returns to school. A folder containing all missed assignments will be prepared for the student upon his/her return.

Tardiness: Students are expected to be in class on time, so they may maximize their learning opportunities. Teachers and the Administration will monitor students’ tardiness. Students may be considered tardy if they arrive after the bell has rung. Students may receive consequences for excessive tardies.

Make Up Work

Students who have absence(s) from school will be allowed to make up work for equivalent
academic credit. The time allowed for makeup work will generally be one school day for every
class period missed, starting with the first day the student returns to school. In extenuating
circumstances, a student may ask his/her teacher, school counselor, or the Principal for additional time to make up work. It is the responsibility of the student (and his/her parent/guardian), not the teachers, to get the assignments, complete them, and turn them in, and to arrange a time with the teacher to make up any missed quizzes or tests. Incomplete work or failure to do the work may result in a lowering of grades.

The make up rule applicable for students who are receiving Home or Hospital Instruction is set forth in the Student Services section of the Handbook under the heading Home and Hospital Instruction.

Attendance at Extra-Curricular Activities

Students who are absent, or who left school for an illness during the day, will not be allowed to attend or participate in extracurricular activities until they have attended school.

From Elementary Handbook, pages 16-19, Board approved 7/18/2022