Registration Information
Central 301 2025-2026 New Student Registration
2025-2026 Early Childhood Registration
The online links to request a tuition spot for the 2025-2026 school year is now open. Please visit our Early Childhood page for complete information.
2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now open. Your child’s school is based on the attendance boundaries. Use the district map to identify your child’s school.
Are you new to Central 301, rent your home, or live with another family? We invite you to register your Kindergartener at our District Office. Click HERE to schedule an appointment or call 847-464-6005.
Do you already have students enrolled in Central 301 and own your home? We invite you to register your Kindergartener at your home school listed below.
- For Country Trails, click HERE to schedule an appointment or call 847-717-8000.
- For Prairie View, click HERE to schedule an appointment or call 847-464-6014.
- For Howard B. Thomas, click HERE to schedule an appointment or call 847-464-6008.
- For Lily Lake, click HERE to schedule an appointment or call 847-464-6011.
Please come prepared with all appropriate paperwork for registration, as outlined in the Required Documents section below.
2025-2026 Open Registration
Registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now open.
Returning Central 301 families, please complete your student(s) online registration in Skyward by Friday, April 18th, and refer to the letter below for additional instructions:
2025-2026 Open Registration Letter
All families that are new to Central 301 must make an appointment with the appropriate Registrar to enroll their students:
- For Early Childhood through 8th grade, click HERE to schedule an appointment at our District Office or call 847-464-6005.
- For 9th through 12th grade, click HERE to schedule an appointment at Central High School or call 224-990-7075.
- For all grades, if you are living with another family in the district, click HERE to schedule an appointment at our District Office or call 847-464-6005.
Please come prepared with all appropriate paperwork for registration, as outlined in the Required Documents section below.
Required Documents for 2025-2026 Registration
In order to register a new student, families must provide documentation that verifies that the family is living (not just owns property) within Central 301 boundaries.
Specific documentation will depend on the situation:
- If you own your home, you must submit proof of home ownership (tax bill, mortgage document, or closing statement) as well as two bills or other acceptable items that include your name and home address.
- If you rent your home, you must submit a copy of your current signed and dated lease as well as two (2) bills or other acceptable items that include your name and home address. You must also provide proof of two (2) months rent payment (checks cancelled from the bank or your bank statement). Families who rent are required to prove residency on an annual basis.
Please note: The district has the authority to conduct a home visit and/or require additional documentation to verify residency.
In addition to residency documentation, parents/guardians of new students entering the district will need to provide the following documents:
- 25-26 Complete Registration Packet (Español)
- Birth Certificate
Once all required documentation has been received and residency has been verified, the office staff will enter the student’s information into Skyward, our student management system. Parents will then be notified that they are able to go online to complete the online registration process. Please note: The fee payment step is NOT included in Online Registration. Families need to login to RevTrak directly to pay all fees.
We have put together this Parent Guide to Online Registration (Español) as a resource to help you with the online registration process. If you have additional questions about or need help with online registration or residency, you can email questions to or contact your school office.
Please visit the Health Requirements page on the district website for information regarding health requirements for new students.
Central 301 2024-2025 New Student Registration
All new families must make an appointment directly with the District Office to register their students. Click HERE to schedule an appointment or call 847-464-6005.
In order to register a new student, families must provide documentation that verifies that the family is living (not just owns property) within Central 301 boundaries.
Specific documentation will depend on the situation:
- If you own your home, you must submit proof of home ownership (tax bill, mortgage document, or closing statement) as well as two bills or other acceptable items that include your name and home address.
- If you rent your home, you must submit a copy of your current signed and dated lease as well as two (2) bills or other acceptable items that include your name and home address. You must also provide proof of two (2) months rent payment (checks cancelled from the bank or your bank statement). Families who rent are required to prove residency on an annual basis.
Please note: The district has the authority to conduct a home visit and/or require additional documentation to verify residency.
In addition to residency documentation, parents/guardians of new students entering the district will need to provide the following documents:
- Complete Registration Packet (24-25) (Español)
- Birth Certificate
Once all required documentation has been received and residency has been verified, the office staff will enter the student’s information into Skyward, our student management system. Parents will then be notified that they are able to go online to complete the online registration process.
New for 2024-2025 – The fee payment step is NOT included in Online Registration. Families need to login to RevTrak directly to pay all fees. |
We have put together this Parent Guide to Online Registration (Español) as a resource to help you with the online registration process. If you have additional questions about or need help with online registration or residency, you can email questions to or contact your school office.
Please visit the Health Requirements page on the district website for information regarding health requirements for new students.