School Refusal Strategies Webinar

Students walking into school

For some families, it can be difficult to get your child to school. There can be many factors that can lead to your child refusing to go to school. As a district, we continue to monitor and look for ways to decrease chronic absenteeism, as it typically has a significant impact upon a student’s educational performance. To support our families who may be struggling with school refusal, we want to share this on-demand parent workshop with you. The workshop will help parents/guardians understand “the why” behind school refusal, how to make the choice inconvenient, learn strategies to address behaviors at home, and learn how to collaborate with the school. The workshop is a two-hour program and is appropriate across all grade levels. The workshop is free and is available on-demand now until March 16th. Here is the link to access the workshop: School Refusal Workshop for Parents/Guardians.

Additionally, if you need support with school refusal, please reach out to your school social worker or a building administrator.