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The Central 301 Transportation Department strives to maintain the safety and welfare of all students while transporting students to and from school in a scheduled manner on a daily basis. We will provide positive role models who follow the State, Federal & District procedures and guidelines with a professional attitude, which lends itself to the district’s commitment to excellence.


The Central 301 Transportation Department is responsible for transporting approximately 4,700 students to and from school on a daily basis. We have a current fleet with over 80 buses and run approximately 200 routes daily within our district boundaries, as well as provide transportation for Central 301 students who require special services outside the district. Our planned routes permit optimum pupil safety, programmed efficiency, and operational economy.

District Map

2024 / 2025 School Year

School bus information is now available in Skyward. For any questions or concerns, please email us at transportation@central301.net.

Late Busing

Unfortunately, due to measures beyond our control, we may need to send a bus late either to school or on the way home from school. District Communication will be sent to affected parents / families when we know that this will be the case.

Bus Stop Information

To access your student’s school and bus stop information, please follow these instructions:

  • Step 1 – Sign into Skyward Family Access
  • Step 2 – Select the Busing tab on the left-hand side.
  • Step 3 – The student’s bus information will come up for you to view. If you have more than one student you may view them all on the same page.

Bus Stop Locations

We select bus stops to service entire neighborhoods and to provide a safe, walkable route for the students to board the bus year over year. The stops are located in established locations in subdivisions, typically at corners, to service the students based on the configuration of the overall neighborhood. Hazards such as parkways, cross roads, high traffic roads, curves, hills, etc., are taken into consideration. Bus stops may be up to 1.5 miles from the students residence. Unfortunately, we are not able to position bus stops so that all parents/guardians are able to see the stop from their home. 

Bus Stops & Snow

Weather in the Midwest can be challenging. There are times we seem to have all four seasons in one day! Each season can bring different challenges in relation to bus stops and getting to them. Winter has the most impact because snow and ice can affect bus stops and the travel to them. Bus stops are placed throughout the district to best accommodate all riders in a safe and efficient manner. When large amounts of snow fall, we will not be able to relocate bus stops. This would not be feasible as all stops in the district may be affected by larger amounts of snow. We are not be able to move all the bus stops throughout the district.

Please realize that we do not have control over residents in neighborhoods clearing the snow around their homes on the way to your bus stop. Snow removal in the neighborhoods is provided by many municipalities, homeowner associations, and private companies. We do work with these entities to try to notify them of where bus stops are located, but please note that their staff may change often, making this an ongoing challenge.

The following are some suggestions concerning inclement weather and your student’s bus stop:

  • Students should always dress appropriately for the weather. Buses may be delayed due to weather related driving conditions.
  • Students should be at the stop prior to the buses arrival to make the loading safe and efficient. Waiting in cars is discouraged as it delays loading at each stop on the route and could create an unsafe scenario of students running to the bus.
  • Remind your student to wear safe shoes / boots and shuffle their feet like a penguin when conditions are icy.
  • Work with neighbors to take turns clearing snow on and around bus stops.
  • Stay up-to-date with weather forecasts through reputable sources and know what is coming.

Busing Procedures


Routing is based on the home location. Students who will not take a District 301 bus to/from their home location will need to complete the Student Transportation Information section of online registration in Skyward. Any changes during the year will need to be communicated by revising the Student Transportation Information section in Online Registration as well as emailing your school and the Transportation Department at transportation@central301.netAllow two school days for the request to be processed. To verify the changes have been updated, use the Busing Information link.

Change of Address

If you have a change of address, contact your child’s school of attendance. Upon receipt of ALL required information and the school verifying your residency, they will advise you of transportation information for the new residential information. Emailing transportation@central301.net to notify us that the change is coming is also appreciated. Transportation will process the change, and Skyward will be updated with revised busing information. Transportation changes take a minimum of two school days to process.

Busing Changes

If your residence qualifies for busing, and you need to make revisions to your busing needs, (i.e., childcare, bus needed, no bus needed), email transportation@central301.net with your requested revision. 

Your residence must qualify for busing in order to change a pickup stop, including childcare.

You must also make the revision in your student’s Skyward account (instructions below). If the revision is approved, the Transportation office will send the parent/guardian a confirmation email. Please be advised that all revisions take a minimum of two school days to process.

Students may ONLY ride their assigned bus. If an emergency occurs, a parent must contact the Transportation Department at (847) 464-6052 to make alternate arrangements. Due to capacities on the buses and responsibility of the District, we are not able to transport to other students home who are working on projects, attending out of school practices, etc.

Bus change instructions:

  1. Log into Skyward
  2. Go to online registration on the menu on the left
  3. On the right-hand side, select the student for whom you are making changes
  4. Click on “mark registration as not completed and make changes
  5. On the right-hand side, select “Student Transportation Information
  6. On the bottom of the screen, select “Edit step 4
  7. Make your revisions
  8. On the bottom of the screen, select “complete step 4 only
  9. On the right-hand side, select “Complete online registration
  10. In the middle of the screen, select “submit online registration
  11. This will complete your transportation revisions

Holding a Bus Seat

Due to current bus capacities, we are unable to save seats for students who are not riding the bus consistently. If your student does not ride the bus for 5 consecutive days, they will be removed from the route unless you notify the Transportation Office of an illness, vacation, etc. If busing is required after your student has been removed, you must put in a new busing request with the Transportation Office. Please note that it will take two school days after we have acknowledged your request for it to be processed and put into place.

Safely Driving Our Future

Video Cameras

All District 301 buses are equipped with video surveillance equipment as part of a multi-faceted approach to promote the safety and security of students and staff, while at work or participating in school functions, and to help protect school property. The digital video cameras allow for both visual and audio recordings to be made of the interior of the school bus. All recordings are held confidential and can only be viewed by school officials and law enforcement. In addition, the cameras allow the drivers to focus more on driving your student home safely.

Bus Loading & Unloading

Students should be prepared to board the bus 5 minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up time.

Safety is our first concern and making sure that students can load the bus efficiently. When the bus is in view, students should line up in a single file with their backpacks, hats, gloves, etc. ready to board the bus when it comes to a complete stop. We kindly ask that parents do not approach the bus door so that students may board the bus on their own.

Avoid the Danger Zone! The Danger Zone is the 10 foot area around the school bus. Students should stand in a safe place away from the bus, road, and traffic while waiting for the bus. Wait for driver’s signal before safely crossing 10 feet in front of the bus. Be alert to traffic when crossing the street to load or unload from the bus, always looking left and right before entering the street. When two or more students are loading or unloading from the bus, they should cross in a group when the driver has signaled to cross. Students who move in a group within the driver’s sight are more likely to avoid a dangerous situation. 

Students must be able to safely board the bus on there own without coercion or direct placement by parent / guardian. As a means to make sure all buses run on time (we service all of our school community), if a child is unable to safely enter a bus within the first 5 minutes of loading, we will depart. The family can transport the student to school or will be notified to pick-up the student from the school. If needed, the team will explore solutions and interventions to support the student with safely boarding a bus.

According to the Illinois Rules of the Road, all motorists must stop before meeting or overtaking a school bus loading or unloading passengers. This includes public and private roads or property. Amber/Yellow warning lights will be activated on the front & rear of the bus at least 100 feet (200 in rural areas) in advance of a stop. The stop arm will be engaged after the bus comes to a complete stop. Motorists must come to a complete stop and remain idle until the stop arm is no longer extended and the flashing lights have ceased. In addition, the Illinois State Board of Education and IDOT, Division of Traffic Safety, strongly recommend that vehicles stop at least 20 feet before reaching the school bus to allow pupils to cross the roadway safely.

Bus Seat Assignments

Seat assignments are created at the discretion of the bus driver and adjusted by the driver or upon request from school Administrators. These are in place for the safety of the students. Kindergarteners are typically placed near the front of the bus unless otherwise requested

Bus Rules

All Student Handbook school rules are extended to the buses with additional rules in place for the safety of all on board the bus. We recommend our drivers to work with students who are not able to follow these rules. If they are not able to follow the rules, a Bus Conduct Report will be made and elevated to administrators at the respective school, if necessary.

Bus Evacuation Drills

As a school district, we conduct state mandated annual safety evacuation drills in the fall and/or spring at their respective schools. The key to a safe evacuation drill for the students is to stay calm, stay quiet, listen, and move quickly & safely. Our drivers will work with the students to be able to evacuate the bus in a safe manner.

Contact Us

Central 301 Transportation Department
(847) 464.6052