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Central 301 Section 504

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act is a federal civil rights law designed to prevent discrimination against people with disabilities. Central 301 provides a free and appropriate education for students who are eligible for a 504 plan by individually designing accommodations/modifications and/or services to meet their educational needs in the same manner as their non-disabled peers.

Evaluation Process

Generally, parents provide a diagnosis of the medical condition from a private provider. However, a medical diagnosis or prescription from a doctor is not enough for eligibility. An educational team must review existing information and, with parent consent, collect and review any other needed data to determine eligibility.

Evaluations may include, but are not limited to: a file review, observations, and rating scales. Teams meet to review existing information and design the evaluation. No outside diagnosis is required.  Written parental consent is required.


Student has a diagnosis, or is regarded as having, a physical or mental disability. Through the evaluation, it is determined whether or not the disability impacts a major life function (not just learning) and the impact it has on the student’s ability to access the general education environment

504 Plans

A team of individuals that have knowledge of the student develops a written plan that identifies the accommodations/modifications and/or services a student needs to access the general education.

Please contact the Assistant Principal at your child’s school for additional information. 

Section 504 Parents’ Rights