Multilingual Program
Central 301 Multilingual Learners Program (ML)
The Central 301 Multilingual Learners Program is dedicated to offering high-quality English Language (EL) services that respect and incorporate a student’s native language, culture, and existing knowledge to enhance their linguistic, academic, and social/cultural development in a diverse community. The Multilingual Learners program at Central 301 currently supports students from more than 45 different language backgrounds.
Delivery of Instruction
Our Multilingual (ML) services are structured as pull-out programs to provide focused support outside the regular classroom setting. We use each student’s proficiency level, along with other relevant data, to tailor instruction to their specific needs. Students work in small groups that are organized based on their proficiency levels, allowing for targeted reinforcement and development of academic skills that align with classroom material. This approach helps address any missing language skills and accelerates language development, ensuring that students are well-supported in their academic growth and can integrate more effectively into their regular classes.
In addition to our pull-out ML services, we offer a Transitional Bilingual Education program at two of our elementary schools specifically for Spanish-speaking students. This program integrates language arts instruction in both Spanish and English, helping students develop their literacy skills in their native language while also building proficiency in English. By providing this bilingual approach, the program supports students in a smooth transition to English-speaking classrooms and enhances their overall academic success.
Middle/High School
In middle and high schools, Multilingual (ML) students receive direct instruction in dedicated classrooms, where they focus on developing their English language skills in a structured environment. Additionally, some students are supported within their social studies classrooms to integrate language learning with content instruction. Students also benefit from academic advisory sessions with an ML teacher, who provides tailored support and guidance to address individual needs and ensure academic success. This comprehensive approach helps ML students build their language skills and navigate their coursework effectively.
Initial Assessment
During the initial registration process in our district, parents are required to complete a Home Language Survey. If a language other than or in addition to English is spoken at home, an ML teacher will assess the student’s English language proficiency. This assessment will cover listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
Depending on the results, the student may qualify for Multilingual (ML) services. If the student qualifies, parents will receive written notification within 10 days.
Annual Assessment
Students in grades K-12 who qualify for ML services are assessed each year to determine if they will continue to need these services for the following academic year. The assessment is conducted using the state-mandated ACCESS for ELLs test.
Students who achieve an overall composite score of 4.8 or higher on the ACCESS for ELLs are eligible to exit ML services, as per the State of Illinois guidelines. Parents will receive notification of their child’s ACCESS for ELLs assessment scores annually. Students who exit the ML program will be monitored by their school’s ML team for four years following their exit to ensure ongoing academic success.
Parent’s Rights
Parent Notification
Each year, parents will be informed about whether their student continues to qualify for ML services. This notification will be provided in both English and, where available, the student’s home/native language. It will also include details about the types of ML services available.
Parents have the right to decline the recommended services at any time. To withdraw their child from ML services, parents must submit a written notice to the ML teacher at their child’s school. Parents who opt out of services may choose to reinitiate them at any time if their student continues to qualify.
Interpretation and Translation
Central 301 prioritizes ensuring that all parents and members of the school community, including those who speak languages other than or in addition to English, have full access to information. The district offers interpretation and translation services to support these needs. If you require interpretation or translation assistance, please contact your student’s school.