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Absences and Illness

Please notify the school health office immediately for all contagious conditions so we can take proper measures within the school environment. All children suffering from contagious conditions must be excluded from school until they are no longer contagious. Guidelines can be found here.

Central 301 Health Requirements

Please be reminded that it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure that the required documents to meet the health requirements are provided to the school in the required time frames.

The table below illustrates the requirements.

Requirements forPhysical ExamDental ExamEye ExamImmunization Requirements
New to ILXK,2,6,9XX

New Students
(first time attending an Illinois school)

Parents/guardians need to submit the following documentation:

  1. Physical exam form completed within one year of the first day of attendance
  2. Eye examination form completed within one year of the first day of attendance
  3. Dental exam form from the most recent of K, 2nd, or 6th grade
  4. Central 301 New Student Health Questionnaire

The State of Illinois requires that Illinois physical and eye exam forms be submitted to the school by October 15th. If a student is enrolling after October 15th, the physical exam form must be submitted before the first day of attendance; see ILCS 5/27-8.1(1). Records will be reviewed for compliance with Illinois requirements. Out of state reports may be considered for compliance review only when all elements of an Illinois physical are included.

Transfer Students
(transferring within the state of Illinois)

Parents/guardians need to submit the most recent physical exam, eye exam, and dental exam forms that meet the state requirements as indicated in the table above and should complete a District 301 New Student Health Questionnaire. Parents may bring these from the student’s previous Illinois school. Documents should be submitted before the first day of attendance or a completed Student Transfer Form (ISBE form 33-78) from another Illinois school may be accepted.

Exam Requirements and Deadlines for All Students

Physical Examinations


Eye Examinations

  • Eye Exam Requirements
  • The state of Illinois requires that eye exam forms be submitted to the school by October 15th
  • Exams must be conducted by a licensed optometrist or a physician licensed to perform complete eye examinations
  • Screenings conducted in school do not fulfill the requirement
  • Reports must be dated within one calendar year prior to the first day of attendance
  • Eye Exam Report Form
  • Eye Exam Waiver Form

Dental Exams

IHSA / IESA Health Requirements

  • Students participating in school sponsored sports must have an annual sports physical turned in prior to the start of the sports season
  • An IHSA / IESA sports physical does not fulfill the physical requirement for school enrollment
  • IHSA Sports Physical Form

Medications at School

Prescription and/or over-the-counter medications may be administered during school hours only when it is necessary in order to allow a student to attend school or in order to address a student’s medical condition. Central 301 guidelines are in the student handbooks. A Central 301 Med A Form needs to be on file in the health office, completed and signed by a healthcare provider as well as the parent/guardian. Specialized district forms must be completed for asthma, seizures, and allergies. See Chronic Health Conditions below.

Significant or Chronic Health Conditions

To promote wellness, Central 301 encourages the development of individual health plans for students with significant or chronic health conditions. If your child has asthma, allergies, or seizures, please complete the necessary forms located below. Contact your building nurse to develop an individualized plan for any other concerning conditions. For students with asthma, if an individual care plan is not received, the Central 301 Emergency Asthma Protocol will be followed.


The District and building guidelines are based on the recommendations of the following government agencies:

Privacy Practices

State law mandates strict privacy rules. As a result, school personnel cannot contact a doctor, dentist, nurse, or pharmacist about a student, health records, or health exams unless the parent/guardian gives written consent. If desired, a consent form permitting communication between health care professionals can be obtained in the school office.