Central Middle School
Middle School Girls Cross Country Qualifies for State Meet!
The Middle School Girls Cross Country Team has qualified for the IESA State Meet for the first time since 2019! We are so proud of the hard work they have put in this school year! The state meet will take place this Saturday, October 19th, in Bloomington, Illinois.
Join CMS Students and Staff for Veterans Day, 2024!
Comet Families, On November 11th, 2024, we will celebrate our Military Veterans during a ceremony at Central Middle School. A reception for our Veterans and their students will start at 1:40 PM, followed by a ceremony at 2:00 PM. The Comet Band and Choir will perform, and community Veteran Jason Johnston will deliver a speech. …
Comfort Dogs Visit CMS
Cozy and Cuddly Fun! Central Middle School students and staff enjoyed a visit from the Comfort Dogs. We appreciate having the opportunity to snuggle and interact with such amazing animals!
Girl’s Volleyball Champs!
Congratulations to the NCJC Champions! Congratulations to the 8th Grade Volleyball Team on their NCJC Victory! We are proud of our Conference Champions!
CMS Welcomes Author
Robin Benway visits CMS Author Robin Benway visited Central Middle School today! Robin spoke about perseverance, life as an author, and the connections she has to the characters she creates. Thanks for visiting Robin!
October Comet Connection
The Latest News and Happenings at CMS
CMS Football Wins NCJC Championship!
Congratulations Comets!
Robin Benway to Visit October 4
Author, Robin Benway, to Speak at CMS Central Middle School is excited to host an author visit on Friday, October 4th. On this day, Robin Benway will speak to our students about her career as an author and share insights about her latest book. Students and families interested in purchasing a personalized, autographed copy of…
Comfort Dogs at CMS
Comfort Dogs Back for 24-25 Four times a year, Central Middle School welcomes the beloved Comfort Dogs from the Kane County area. These specially trained dogs help people feel calmer and reduce stress. Students can sign up to spend time with the Comfort Dogs on the designated days.
Winter Athletics
MS Winter Sports Information Winter athletics are just around the corner! Please reference the provided link for information regarding registration, coaches’ contact information, and start dates for each of our winter athletic programs. Middle School Winter Sports 24-25 Info Sheet