Country Trails Elementary School
VIP and Me Glow Dance
CT students were glowing with excitement at the PTO VIP and Me Glow Dance!
Carl the Cougar visits CT Classrooms
Carl visited classrooms this week on Spirit Wednesday to celebrate students who were wearing their House Colors. Carl was even challenged to a dance off!
CHS readers at CT
CHS students visited Country Trails to read to our 2nd and 3rd graders. Some of our readers are former Country Trails students!
CT 4th Grade Service Project
Our awesome 4th graders at Country Trails turned into little sewing superheroes! They used donated fabric to create cozy blankets for the seniors at a local care facility. Talk about spreading warmth—one stitch at a time!
100 Days of School at Country Trails
Country Trails students and staff glimpsed into the future to dress like they are 100 years old!
CT Staff Secret Spirit Week
CT staff participated in a secret spirit week leading up to the 100th day of school. Did your child guess our dress up theme for the day? Monday – Black out Tuesday – Anything BUT a water bottle Wednesday – Wear your Cougar Pride House Color Thursday – Pajama Day Friday – Dress like you…
Green House Wins!
CT 1st Grade Green House celebrates earning the most Cougar Pride tickets in January. CT will decorate the halls with Green to celebrate all through the month of February!
Cereal Topple
Country Trails wrapped up our 3rd Annual Cereal Drive with an exciting cereal topple event. Thanks to the generosity of our families, we collected 832 boxes of cereal to be donated to local food pantries. Students had a blast watching the cereal topple unfold, starting upstairs, winding through the upstairs hallway, down the stairs, through…
2De Incentive
Ms. Dettlo’s class celebrated reaching their goal with a fun and creative shaving cream activity. Students displayed their artistic talents while using shaving cream to decorate their desks. It was a creative way to clean our desks too!
Country Trails Winter Olympics
Country Trails recently marked its inaugural Winter Olympics as part of our Cougar Pride program! Each grade level selected representatives to compete in challenges, earning points for their respective house color teams. Enthusiastic students from all grades rallied behind their teams, showcasing exceptional sportsmanship and true Cougar Pride. Congratulations to the Green team for securing…