District 301 News
September Falcon Flyer
Each month we share a newsletter, the Falcon Flyer, with our families. Click the link below to view the first Falcon Flyer of the 2024-2025 school year. Included is information regarding health requirements, how to manage absences and early pick-ups, team news, and photos from the Heat Day. Happy reading! September Falcon Flyer
Heat Day Fun
On a heat day, flexibility is the name of the game for us Falcons—because when things heat up, we’ve got to be cool enough to adjust our plans on the “fly”! Due to the extreme heat, instead of following a shortened schedule, PK students were organized into two engaging grade-level rotations. In one rotation, students…
Meet the PKMS Staff!
Proud to be a Falcon Meet our incredible team! The staff at Prairie Knolls are dedicated, passionate, and student centered in all that they do! They are committed to excellence and have a heart for education. This year, Prairie Knolls welcomes 8 new educators to the Falcon’s Nest!
September Newsletter
Parent Newsletter | September 2024 Important Dates September 2nd: Labor Day – No School September 9th: PTC Meeting @ 7:30pm in Person September 10th: Lion Pride Character Assembly (Wear your team color)September 16th – 20th: Homecoming Week September 20th: PTC Fit & Fun Run September 23rd: Board of Education Meeting @ 6pm September 25th: Half Day (students dismissed at 12:15 pm)…
CMS September Newsletter
Stay Up to Date Our school year is off and running! Click below to read the CMS family newsletter, the Comet Connection, for September. Comet Connection September 2024
What is Lion Pride
Character Counts Our school character program not only emphasizes positive behavior throughout the school day, but also builds staff and student relationships and comradery. The character traits we are focusing on include: P – persevere (yellow) R – responsible choices (red) I – Inclusion (purple – everyone wears purple on the last day of the…
Yearbook Orders
Order your yearbook today It’s that time of year and our Back-to-School Yearbook sale is happening now! Get your Lily Lake 2024-2025 Yearbook for $23. Right now, If you personalize your book for an additional $7.50 you can add up to FOUR ICONS free of charge. The free icon offer is only valid for…
MAP Testing at CMS
Fall MAP Testing is Underway Students participated in their first round of NWEA/MAP testing today. We plan to finish up with the second round of testing tomorrow. Please be sure to send students with their most recent Chromebooks in order to ensure they are able to access the NWEA/MAP application. This is an important assessment…
September Newsletter
CT’s Cougar Connect CT’s family newsletter, the “Country Trails Cougar Connect”, is sent to families each month through ParentSquare. We encourage all of our families to review the newsletter each month to stay connected and up-to-date with what’s happening at CT. You can view the September edition by clicking here.
Robots at HBT
STEAM in Action Fifth graders at HBT were able to try out their coding skills with our STEAM robots this week. During this activity, students programmed their robots to make animal sounds, do dance moves, and travel across distances. Students worked in groups to problem-solve and learn to work together.