HBT Welcomes Chicago Steel Hockey Team for a Character-Focused Assembly

Recently, Howard B. Thomas Grade School hosted a special assembly featuring members of the Chicago Steel Hockey Team, who shared how character plays an important role both on and off the ice, at school, and at home.

The visiting group included a team spokesperson, three current players, the team’s fan manager, and the lively mascot, Rusty! Throughout the assembly, students learned about the importance of practicing key character traits—such as Kindness, Respect, Responsibility, Cooperation, Empathy, Citizenship, Perseverance, & Fairness in all aspects of life. The players shared personal stories about balancing school, hockey, and family, highlighting how character drives their success.

Students were thrilled to see HBT’s own mascot, TURBO, join the fun at the end of the second presentation. Rusty and TURBO even had a chance to meet, creating a memorable moment that brought cheers and laughter from the crowd!