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How will elementary school boundaries change if the referendum passes?

If the referendum passes, Prairie Knolls Middle School will be converted into a fifth elementary school, which will require redrawing the district’s elementary school boundaries. Any boundary map we would create now, based on current information, would likely change in the future as development continues and established neighborhoods either age out or turn over to younger families. To avoid frustration for families and prevent any confusion about where future school boundaries will be, we will wait until closer to an actual shift before creating any new boundary maps.

Please know that the goal of any elementary boundary change is to balance school enrollment numbers among the elementary buildings, to allow room for future enrollment growth and to reduce the number of boundary adjustments needed in the future. When projecting future enrollment growth, we factor in where new homes are being built, when they will be completed, and the number of students likely to enroll from those neighborhoods. We strive to keep student transportation times as short as possible by assigning students to schools near their homes, when feasible. However, the geographical size and population distribution patterns in our district means this isn’t always practical.

If the referendum does not pass, boundary adjustments will still be necessary, possibly on a more frequent basis. We may need to make smaller, gradual shifts to manage enrollments and to minimize the need for additional mobile classrooms.

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