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Character Counts

Our school character program not only emphasizes positive behavior throughout the school day, but also builds staff and student relationships and comradery.  The character traits we are focusing on include: 

P – persevere (yellow)

R – responsible choices (red)

I – Inclusion (purple – everyone wears purple on the last day of the month)

D – demonstrate fairness (blue)

E – earn respect (green)

Students and staff have been randomly chosen into each character trait color. Students will remain on the same team through their time at Lily Lake. We appreciate PTC’s support by providing each kindergarten & new student to Lily Lake with a t-shirt specific with their character trait and color. We ask that students wear their character shirt every Tuesday and the color purple on the last day of the month!

During the school day, students can earn tickets throughout the building that will help their teams earn points. To recognize students who are earning tickets for their team, the office staff will draw four names each Friday and an eblast will be sent out. Points will be counted each week to determine the winning team at the end of the month. The winning team will earn an incentive such as pajama day, team game, etc.