301Cares School Safety Tip Line
Central 301 School Safety & Bullying Electronic Tip Line
If this is an emergency, please call 911. The 301Cares tip line is only checked regularly during school hours.
In an effort to provide a safe, equitable and non-hostile learning community for all and offer an additional level of safety to our school communities, Central 301 created the school-based 301Cares electronic tip line. If you witness or learn about a situation you perceive as unsafe or believe that someone has acted or has plans to act in an unsafe way, please reach out.This includes, but is not limited to: use or possession of drugs, knives or guns, assault and/or a threat to injure, or bullying/cyberbullying. All reports through the 301Cares electronic tip line must be made in good faith. Messages received are confidential to protect both the sender and any others who may be involved. Reporters may be contacted by the building administrator and/or the district complaint officer if additional information is needed. We ask that you email the tip line account associated with your school and provide as many details as possible including type of activities alleged, when they occurred/may occur, location of activity or alleged activity and name(s) of the person or people involved.
301Cares Tip Line Email Addresses by School Building:
- Central High School: CHSCares@central301.net
- Central Middle School: CMSCares@central301.net
- Prairie Knolls Middle School: PKMSCares@central301.net
- Country Trails Elementary School: CTCares@central301.net
- Howard B. Thomas Grade School: HBTCares@central301.net
- Lily Lake Grade School: LLCares@central301.net
- Prairie View Grade School: PVCares@central301.net
Additional Crisis & Wellness Resources
- Police/Fire/Medical/Personal Emergency: CALL 911
- 24/7 Suicide/Crisis Hotline: Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or text “ANSWER” to 839863
- Personal Crisis/Safety Issue/Need Help: Text “START” to 741741 (free & won’t show on phone bill.)
- Poisoning or drug/alcohol overdose: Call 911 & 1-800-222-1222
- Sexual assault/rape: Call 1-800-892-3375 or 1-800-656-4673 or 911
- Need a Safe Place: Call Elgin Community Crisis Center 847-697-2380 or text “SAFE” & location to 69866
- Abused/neglected, or subjected to violence: Call 1-800-25-ABUSE (252-2873), 1-800-799-SAFE (7233), or 911
- Dating abuse/date rape: Call Elgin Community Crisis Center 847-697-2380 or 1-866-331-9474 or text “LOVEIS” to 2252
- Drug/alcohol problem: Want help? Call Renz Center 224-268-0726
- Experiencing Cyberbullying: Call Illinois Juvenile Justice Council 630-406-7480 or visit https://jjcouncil.countyofkane.org/informational-handouts/
- Challenges with Anorexia, Bulimia or Disordered Eating: Call 1-800-931-2237 or text ‘NEDA’ to 741741